Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Trusting Him

Why is it
that I cannot trust
the One who set the stars
where once was only dark;
who filled the earth, the air, the sea;
and whose very breath brought life
to a nascent human race?

Why do I fear
the gaze of a God
who respects my choice
and honors my will,
until desperate again,
I turn my heart toward His?

How many times
will I avert my face from His?
How long will I run away,
chasing after siren songs,
the lies of lesser gods?
How much longer
will I cover His quiet voice, deep within,
which calls me home to Him?

Who is this God
with nail-scarred hand
gently caressing my brow?
My soul lies here broken
my spirit desperate in defeat.
But I sense a new spark of hope
and then the sweet scent of peace,
as He smiles and tells me
that I am truly beloved,
and ever a child of His.

Tonight I discovered a cache of poetry that I have written about my spiritual journey. If you are a longtime reader, you will have seen much of it before. Sorry for the reruns. As I read it again, I found that most of it, for better or worse, still fits. I'll try to post one every day or two for a little while. I don't have that many. I suppose I could just write some more then, eh?


Laura said...

In that piece of poetry, I could see so much of myself. Keep writing.

afaithreconsidered said...

I think there are a lot of us that feel this way, Smitty. Thanks for the encouragement.