Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A New Blog in the Works

Recently I've enjoyed dusting off some old poetry, polishing it up a bit and sharing it. I've also had fun composing new pieces. But I feel that poetry in general, and my poetry in particular, has limited appeal. Certain types of people are drawn to it, and for others it is a bit of tedium which they choose to avoid. So I'm in the process of creating a new blog to serve as a "gallery" as it were, for my poetry. I make no claims to be anything other than a poor-to-mediocre amateur poet. But I have found that sometimes my words can touch people.

So soon I'll move my poetry from my two Blogger blogs over to my website. Now, to figure out how to rebuild my website now that I've upgraded Wordpress. Although I like the freedom that Wordpress seems to offer, it's a step up in complexity from Blogger, at least for me. So as soon as I overcome a couple technical challenges, I'll post a link.


Bar L. said...

Oh goodie! I can't wait, I enjoy your poetry.

So are you moving all your blogs to Wordpress? I am on Typepad and it was a learning curve too, Blogger is so simple! But your a wiz kid at that stuff you should be up in no time.

Gary Means said...

I've heard good things about Wordpress from a number of people, including my nephew, who recommends it for podcasting. That was my plan a year ago, but a podcast is not on the horizon anytime soon. No time, little inspiration. So I'll just use the domain that I own and apply the Wordpress account that I set up for the podcast.

I upgraded to the new version of Wordpress and now my old website is down. I am very confused. I essentially have to start over. Or, so it seems to me. A whiz kid I am not. You're way better at this stuff than me.

I feel like a tenacious old fumbler who most often runs in increasingly desperate cybercircles between various online Help sections and forums. I am always surprised when things finally work.