Friday, October 12, 2007

I've Been Challenged

My friend Erin posted an invitation for people to join in a synchroblog. Here's what she said:

"What if we gave the church back to Jesus...asked Him what He would like to do with it…and then DID it?

You are invited to join Glenn Hager and myself in a fresh look at church. We hope this event will move us beyond some of the squabbles, territorialism, and paralysis which have consumed so much of our time and energy in the church. More importantly, we hope this event shakes a few things up and some divinely inspired dreams find their way into reality.

In this synchroblog, not only do we ask you to address what you believe Jesus would do with the church; we also ask you to examine the implications for your own life and ACT on it. It is easy to sit at our computers and rail against the church; it is much more challenging to assume personal responsibility for change.

Therefore, we would invite to this synchroblog anyone who is willing to put "shoe leather" to a complaint, correction or change you would like to see for the church, whatever your interpretation of 'church' happens to be. It doesn't have to be huge…simply anything you're willing to commit to for a period of 30 days.

Please write an initial post for October 15th. Then, post periodically over the following 30 days (October 15-November 15) with any additional thoughts and reports on your progress."

I'll be thinking and praying about this. (Really Gary, have you been PRAYING about this? Well, that depends upon how you define prayer.) My natural inclination is to make this either a REALLY BIG idea or a really tiny idea. Maybe it's something in-between. And at first I read into what they were saying that this was something I had to work on every day. ON re-reading Erin's post, I see that this is not a stipulation. And part of me wanted just to focus on me, as in, if I get this or that part of my life together, then I'll be more able to serve . . . blah, blah, blah. But I wanted this to be more than just about me. "Me" wasn't the point.

But as I thought about it, I saw that I have had a sense of calling for a particular manifestation of the Church for a long time. I've talked about it. I've written about it. I've even prayed about it. I thought that talking about it was the way to start it. While that was a valuable step, perhaps it's now time to do more than talk. Details on the 15th.


Erin said...

The "divinely inspired dreams" thing was Glenn's phrasing...actually most of the idea was his...I just added the action part.

You're right in thinking that this doesn't have to be huge, doesn't have to be daily...just has to be some kind of action other than just talking/writing about it.

I'm very interested in seeing what your action will be. Do you think if I simply agree to go to church, that's taking enough action? Hehe.

And...I heard a 'rumor' that a certain friend of ours who lives just a bit south of here, down where the palm trees grow, whom we try incessantly to get to move to the NW...well, after much prodding, negotiations, threats and bribery... "very seriously thinking about coming to OTM".

You didn't hear it from me. ;-)

Bar L. said...

Could the pink-haired lady be speaking of MOI? :)

Gary, good teaser to get people to come back on the 15th....can't wait to hear what you will share.

Erin said...

Barbara - you weren't supposed to see that comment ;-) but the more people to pressure you, the better...

Robert said...

yes brother great teaser and barbara hmmm more people to pressure you ah well yes i tend to agree with the pinkhaired lady go to portland o layla go to portland i still hope to meet the pinkhaired lady myself someday lol and gary for a second go round :)